A Drama by David Auburn


March 4-5, 11-13, and 18-20, 2005
Produced by Special Arrangements with Dramatists Play Service, Inc.
Proof Contains Adult Language


Winner of the 2001 Pulitizer Prize and the Tony Award®, Proof combines elements of mystery, light comedy, and surprise with old-fashioned storytelling. On the eve of her twenty-fifth birthday, Catherine, a troubled young woman, has spent years caring for her brilliant but unstable father, a famous mathematician. Now, following his death, she must deal with her own volatile emotions; the arrival of her estranged sister, Claire; and the attentions of Hal, a former student of her father’s who hopes to find valuable work in the 103 notebooks that her father left behind. Over the long weekend that follows, a burgeoning romance and the discovery of a mysterious notebook draw Catherine into the most difficult problem of all: How much of her father’s madness – or genius – will she inherit?


Director, Alan Ellias
Assistant to the Director, Ross Grossman
Producer, Alan Ellias
Set Design, Ross Grossman and Alan Ellias
Stage Construction, Jeff Flannery
assisted by John Calder, Gordon Mosley, Dave Kadlitz, Steve Calhoun, George Evalt, Michael Falzon, Marc Rosati, Paul Kriner, and Ross Grossman
Set Painting, Ross Grossman, Alan Ellias, Marc Rosati, Michael Falzon, and Denise Kowalewski
Lighting Design, David Reynolds, II
Lights & Sound,  David Reynolds, II and Cindy Hintz
assisted by Mark Ripper, Mike Kinnell, Tom Sparrow, and members of the Lights & Sound Committee
Costumes, Marlene King
assisted by Mary Calder, Marge Sorensen, Connie Fox, and the cast
Hair & Make-up, Sally Goodman
assisted by Chuck Demske and the cast
Properties, Tim Carney
with Special Thanks to Pier One Imports
Publicity,  Cindy Hintz and Sara Constantakis
Program, Nancy Valentini
assisted by Brian Townsend and Alan Ellias
Tickets, Caroline Serfass and Bob Jones
Ushers,  Jeff Ostrowski
50/50 & Intermission, Marybeth Kinnell


Robert, Lindel Salow
Catherine, Emily Tyrybon
Hal, Adam Bright
Claire, Heidi Philipsen

See Show Photos by – and Courtesy of – Gordon Mosley

Cast and Crew Digitized by Tom Sparrow

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