by Neil Simon
On Our Stage in Our 87th Season
January 9-11, 16-18, and 23-25, 2015
Produced in Cooperation with Samuel French, Inc.
The Show
Neil Simon, America’s best-known multi-award winning playwright, excels in presenting the frustrations and vagaries of life with delicious humor. His comic concoction, Rumors is based on a dinner party in an affluent home, where four snazzily dressed couples gather at the home of Charlie and Myra Brock to celebrate the tenth wedding anniversary of their hosts.
But Charlie is lying upstairs with a bullet hole in his ear lobe, and Myra is nowhere to be seen. As the guests gather, the friends try frantically to protect their host (who is deputy mayor of New York), and themselves, by hiding the evening’s events from the outside world. Another shot, someone goes deaf, a back goes out, the arrival of the police, and a strained relationship among one of the couples are some of the events that keep the audience surprised and laughing at this unlikely “churn of events” that the night brings.
The Crew
Director: Marc Walentowicz
Assistant Director: Cory Chambless
Co-Producers: Tracey and Chris Boudreau
Stage Manager: Jake Dombrowski
Set Design: Gordon Mosley
Lights and Sound Design: Chris Boudreau
Master Carpenter: Gordon Mosley
Set Construction and Painting: Jim Kirwin, Chris Boudreau, Patrick Coon, Steve Gautreau, Dave Kanclerz, Angel Melcher, Gordon Mosley, John Sczomak, Paul Vandevert, Marc Walentowicz, Phil Walling, Mark Walton, Lillian Wilson, Molly Boudreau, and David Wood
Costumes: Jeff Bartos and Mary Calder assisted by Karen Drugcaz, Inez Hernandez, Kori Bielaniec, Phil Booth, Lindsey Brenz, and Nick Szczerba
Hair and Makeup: Chuck Demske, Lindel Salow, and the cast
Props: Mary Ann Denyer and Diane Cliff assisted by Chris Boudreau, John Denyer, and Pat Denyer
Publicity: Sue Suchyta, Melissa Foster, and Tom Sparrow
Postcard Mailing: Sue Suchyta, Mike Suchyta, Sally Goodman, Julie Sparrow, Tom Davis, Mary Davis, Mike Moseley, Steve Gautreau, Victor Hydel, Deb Kales, and Tom Sparrow
Programs: Scott Rider, Brian Townsend, and Kori Bielaniec
50/50 and Intermission: Frann Stempek assisted by Members of the Guild
Ushers: Shari and Mike Mayne assisted by Members of the Guild
Original Cover Artwork: Brian Townsend
The Cast
Ken Gorman – Nick Graham
Chris Gorman – Sarah Zakaria
Lenny Ganz – Alex Gojkov
Claire Ganz – Kori Bielaniec
Ernie Cusack – Kenyada Davis
Cookie Cusack – Jennifer Bietzel
Glenn Cooper – Phillip Booth
Cassie Cooper – Lindsey Brenz
Officer Welch – Nick Szczerba
Officer Pudney – Carissa Madley
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