March 5-7, 12-14, and 19-21, 2010
Produced in cooperation with Samuel French, Inc.


An unhappy game of romantic follow-the-leader explodes into murder one weekend at The Hollow. Dr. Cristow is at the center of the trouble: Henrietta, his mistress; Veronica, his ex-mistress; and Gerda, his wife are all in attendance. Veronica ardently desires to marry Cristow but is unable to get him to divorce his wife. She unwisely states that if she cannot have him, no one shall. Within five minutes Cristow is dead. Enter Inspector Colquhoun and Sergeant Penny to solve a crime where nearly everyone has a motive and the opportunity to kill. The Hollow features Christie’s amazing knack for twists, turns, and humor on its way to a stunning resolution.


Director, Lucinda Chavez
Assistant Directors, Sally Hart Goodman and Pat LaFramboise
Producer, Richard Moore*
Stage Manager & Crew, Dave Reynolds II, James Mayne, John Hutchinson, and Richard Moore
Set Design, Dave Reynolds II
Master Carpenter, Gordon Mosely
Stage Construction,  Dave Reynolds II and Gordon Mosely
assisted by John Calder, Victor Hydel, Stan LaFramboise, Righard Marengere, Richard Moore, Paul Vandevert, and John Sczomak
Lights & Sound, Steve Gautreau
assisted by Phil Booth, Eugene Fusco,  Mike Kinnell, and Floyd Bell
Hair & Make-up,  Frann Stempek
assisted by Tony Badalamenti and Barb Ewing
Costumes, Margaret Winowiecki and Mary Calder
assisted by George Miller and Pat LaFramboise
Properties & Set Dressing, Tom Sparrow*
assisted by Mark Byars, Kevin Rider, Sydnee Dombrowski, Tim Carney, MaryAnn Denyer, Brian Townsend, Victor Hydel, Mary Calder, Gordon Mosley, Stephen Gautreau, Annette Ripper, Anna Dewey, Kevin Dewey, James M. Kirwan, Richard Moore, Mike Stair, and cast and crew
Publicity, Sue Suchyta
Programs, Angela Keller-Pelc, Debbie Pletzer, and Julie Yolles
Tickets, Bob Jones
Afterglow, Ron Williams, Jr.
50/50 & Intermission, Guild members


Henrietta Angkatell,  Emily Tyrybon*
Sir Henry Angkatell,  Tom Sparrow
Lady Angkatell,  Margaret Winowiecki*
Midge Harvey,  Heather Thornton
Gudgeon,  Mark Byars
Edward Angkatell,  Mark Ripper
Doris,  Claudia Walrad
Gerda Cristow,  Cindy Gontko*
John Cristow,  Ken Kilgore
Veronica Craye,  Keri Geftos
Inspector Colquhoun,  Gary Regal
Detective Sergeant Penny,  John O’Neill

See Show Photos by – and Courtesy of – Gordon Mosley

* Denotes 2009-2019 PAGE Award Nominee

Cast and Crew Digitized by Sally Goodman

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