by Francis Goodrich and Albert Hackett
Newly Adapted by Wendy Kesselman


March 7-8, 14-16, and 21-23, 2003
Presented in Cooperation with Dramatists Play Service, Inc.


In this gripping new adaptation by Wendy Kesselman, from the original stage play by Goodrich and Hackett, newly discovered writings from the diary of Anne Frank, as well as survivor accounts, are interwoven to create a contemporary impassioned story of the lives of people persecuted under Nazi rule. This is an adaptation for a new generation able to confront the true horrors of the Holocaust.


Director Deborah Pletzer**
Assistant Directors Brian Townsend and Karen Groves
Producers Michael Falzon and Maria Kovac**
Stage Manager Christine Toth
Set Design Kirk Haas**
Set Construction & Painting Kirk Haas, John Calder, Carolyn Ballard, Sarah Blannett, Joe Donovan, Michael Falzon, Valerie Haas, Marlene King, Richard Marengere, Richard Moore, Gordon Mosley, Jeff Ostrowski, David Reynolds II, Annette and Mark Ripper, Jerry Salas, Bob Walker, Nancy Schuster, Jana Smith, Tom Sparrow, Steve Stockfisz, Emily Tyrybon, and Paul Vandevert
Lights & Sound David Reynolds II*
assisted by Mark Ripper, Steve Stokfisz, and Michael Falzon
Hair and Make-up Becky and Mark Byars
assisted by Paul Bruce and Corinne Fine
Costumes Mary Calder**
assisted by Diana Reynolds, Marlene King, Andrea Stokfisz, Eileen Lopez, and Marsha Krause
Props Annette Ripper
assisted by Mary Beth Kinnell, John Calder, Marlene King, Celeste Hissong, Maria Kovac, Brian Townsend,Debbie Pletzer and Diana Reynolds
Publicity Sue Suchyta
assisted by Cindy Hintz, Richard Moore, Amy Moore, Carrie Serfass and Jeff Ostrowski
Programs Philip Booth and  Brian Townsend
Tickets Bob Jones
Ushers Debbie Pletzer
50/50 & Intermission Gordon Mosley


Anne Frank Chelsea Rourke**
Otto Frank , Lindel Salow*
Edith Frank Jeanine Matlow*
Margot Frank Claudia Walrad*
Miep Gies Rebecca Martin*
Peter van Daan Jordan Rossen
Mr. Kraler Michael Lopez*
Mr. van Daan Jerry Salas*
Mrs. van Daan Patricia Jones*
Alfred Dussel Tom Sparrow
First Man Jim Kirwan
Second Man Paul Bruce
Third Man Mark Ripper

The cast and crew of The Diary of Anne Frank
would like to thank Ross Grossman and Christine Schinker
for their contributions to this production.

See Show Photos by – and Courtesy of – Gordon Mosley

*Denotes 2002-2003 PAGE Award Nominee
**Denotes 2002-2003 PAGE Award Winner

Cast and Crew Digitized by Mary Stover