A Comedy by Joe DiPietro
September 16-17, 23-25, and September 30-October 1-2, 2005
Produced in Cooperation with Dramatists Play Service, Inc.
Nick Christano, and Italian-American bachelor from New Jersey is in the prime of his life. With a skyrocketing career, his bright future with a local marketing firm is imminent. To his grandparents, however, Nick is the model grandson who abides by the three f’s of life: family, faith, and food. With his parents retired in Florida and his sister beginning a family of her own in San Diego, Nick alone shares dinner with his four grandparents religiously every Sunday. Nick soon breaks the news of a promotion that will take him to Seattle. Feeling the potential loss of their last bit of family, the grandparents do everything to get him to stay — from guilt and large veal dinners to a forced blind date with a belle named Caitlin. Despite his grandparents’ plot to get him to stay, will Nick’s persistent wish to follow opportunity and personal definition take him westward? Or will his new love interest be reason for him to stay and pursue what his grandparents consider the greatest accomplishment known to man — a family?
Director, Paul Kriner
Assistant Director, Emily Tyrybon
Producer, Dina Flannery
Stage Manager, John Hoglen
assisted by Jil Hoglen
Set Design, Floyd and Clemence Bell
Set Painting, Floyd and Clemence Bell
Special thanks to Ross Grossman and Alan Ellias
Set Construction, Jeff Flannery, Dina Flannery, John Calder, John Hoglen, Jil Hoglen, Dave Kadlitz, Richard Moore, Gordon Moseley, Andrea Stokfisz, George Evalt and Maria Kovac
Lights & Sound, David Reynolds II
assisted by members of the Lights & Sound Committee
Costumes, Mary Calder
assisted by the Cast
Hair & Makeup, Kathy Fothergill
Props & Set Decoration, Phil and Theresa Booth
assisted by Mary Calder, Steve Gautreau, and Brian Townsend
Special thanks to Kathleen Kamody and Jane Kriner
Publicity, Christine O’Connell
Programs, Tom Sparrow and Brian Townsend
Tickets, Carrie Serfass
assisted by Bob Jones and Dina Flannery
Ushers, Patti Jones
Afterglow, Kim Donovan
50/50 & Intermission, Tim Carney
Nick Cristano, Jeff Ostrowski
Frank Gianelli, Tom Sparrow
Aida Gianelli, Nancy Wolter
Nunzio Cristano, Alan Ellias
Emma Cristano, Denise Kowalewski
Caitlin O’Hare, Nicki Schlehuber
See Show Photos by – and Courtesy of – Gordon Mosley
Cast and Crew Digitized by Alan “Nunzio” Ellias
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