
Nellie (Kathleen Duffy) and Emile (Mike Moseley) working on “Some Enchanted Evening” during the Sitzprobe.

Sitzprobe was a new theatre term for me. I’d never heard it before. Here’s what Google says about it.

“Sitzprobe is a German term used in opera and musical theatre to describe a seated rehearsal—the literal translation of Sitzprobe—where the singers sing with the orchestra, focusing attention on integrating the two groups. It is often the first rehearsal where the orchestra and singers rehearse together.”

So, last night the orchestra arranged themselves in the shop (that’s where they’ll be during the show). Julie introduced them to the cast and they launched into the overture. It was magnificent and got a huge round of cheering and applause as it ended.

Then cast members began to sing with the orchestra in the order they appear in the show. Ngana (Jamie Paschke) and Jerome (Alia Elhajj) were first with “Dites Moi.” Big smiles broke out in the orchestra as the girls began to sing. They’re fabulous and will easily steal the show. One of my theatre rules is “Never go on stage with children.”

Julie brags that her orchestra members are “the best in the metro area.” I’ll buy that. They’re great.

On through the rest of the numbers. It was a fantastic rehearsal, or, should I say, “spitzprobe.