Performances: November 8–10, 15–17, 22–24 and 29–December 1, 2013
book, music and lyrics by Rupert Holmes
adapted from the novel by Charles Dickens
produced in cooperation with Tams-Witmark Music Library, Inc.
It’s 1892 and The Music Hall Royale is premiering its newest show, The Mystery of Edwin Drood — a musical adaptation of the last story ever written by Charles Dickens. Edwin Drood has disappeared on a snowy Christmas Eve. Was he murdered? If so, who is the murderer? The answer was never revealed in the book as Dickens died before finishing the story, leaving no clues as to its outcome. That is, until tonight, as the players turn to the audience to vote from a litany of suspects, all of who have their motives for Drood’s disappearance! You can see the audience choices for each performance below.
Performance Date Murderer Datchery Lovers
November 8 Rev Crisparkle Helena Landless Puffer and Deputy
November 9 Rev Crisparkle Bazzard Puffer and Durdles
November 10 Rosa Neville Landless Helena and Deputy
November 15 Rosa Bazzard Helena and Durdles
November 16 Rev Crisparkle Helena Puffer and Durdles
November 17 Neville Landless Bazzard Puffer and Durdles
November 22 Rev Crisparkle Bazzard Helena and Neville
November 23 Rev Crisparkle Bazzard Puffer and Durdles
November 24 Princess Puffer Rev Crisparkle Helena and Durdles
November 29 Princess Puffer Bazzard Helena and Durdles
November 30 Princess Puffer Bazzard Helena and Durdles
December 1 Rosa Bazzard Puffer and Jasper
Director, Michael Falzon*
Choreographer/Stage Manager, Janeen Bodary*
Music Director, Julie Malloy*
Casting Governor, Bob Jones
Co-Producers, Jeff Bartos** and Chris Boudreau**
Assistant Director, Kori Bielaniec
Stage Crew, Shardai Davis, Lexie Kaplan, Jade Reynolds, Molly Boudreau, and Luke Boudreau
Set Design, Kirk Haas and Brian Townsend
Lighting Design, David Reynolds, II
Lights & Sound, David Reynolds II*, John Sczomak, Dave Kanclerz, and David Wood
Master Carpenter, Gordon Mosley
Set Construction & Painting, Floyd Bell, Lynne Lewis-Bell, Chuck Bollman, Sally Goodman, Ross Grossman, Deb Kales, Cole and Kirk Haas, Kurtys Hipkins, Dave Kanclerz, Lexie Kaplan, Ken Kilgore, Stan LaFramboise, Michael Mayne, Dorota Poznanski, David Reynolds, II, John Sczomak, Jana Smith, Paul Vandevert, and David Wood
Portrait of Rosa Bud, Aric Liljgren
Hair & Makeup, Kimberly Elliot, assisted by Lindel Salow*, Chuck Demske, Jacqueline Dienes, Julie Brown, Shelby Holmes, Tony Badalamenti, and Michael Bollman
Costumes, Karen Drugacz* and Mary Calder* assisted by Diane Kaplan, Margaret Kinnell, Patricia LaFramboise, Betty Wilson, George Miller, Jana Smith, Michael Falzon, Diane Cliff, Colleen Meade-Ripper, Nasir Khawaja, and the Cast
Properties, MaryAnn Denyer, assisted by Pat Denyer, Brian Townsend, Allison Gilbert, Diane Cliff, James Mayne, and Chris Boudreau
Publicity, Mike Moseley, assisted by Sue Suchyta, Mike Mayne, Mary Calder, Karen Drugacz, Ken Kilgore, Lois and John Sczomak, Jeff Bartos, Sydnee Rider, and Brian Townsend
Programs, Brian Townsend and Kori Bielaniec
Tickets, Bob Jones, Jennifer Trahey, Megan Lizbinski, and Richard and Amy Moore
AfterGlow & Cast and Crew, Tracey Boudreau and Marsha Bennett-Kraus
50/50 Raffle, Jeff Bartos and Rebecca Hermen
Intermission, Tracey and Molly Boudreau, Mary Calder, and Richard, Peter,and Julian Moore
Ushers, Shari and Mike Mayne, assisted by Members of the Guild
Mr. William Cartwright, Chairman – Brian Townsend*
Mr. Clive Paget / JOHN JASPER – Mitch Bradley**
Miss Alice Nutting / EDWIN DROOD – Lindsey Brenz**
Miss Angela Prysock / THE PRINCESS PUFFER – Valerie Mould**
Miss Deidre Peregrine / ROSA BUD – Kimberly Elliott*
Miss Janet Conover / HELENA LANDLESS – Colleen Meade-Ripper*
Mr. Victor Grinstead / NEVILLE LANDLESS – Nasir Khawaja**
Mr. Cedric Moncrieffe / THE REVEREND MR. CRISPARKLE – Chris Boudreau
Mr. Phillip Bax / BAZZARD – Inez Hernandez
Mr. Nick Cricker / DURDLES – Jake Dombrowski*
Master Nick Cricker / DEPUTY – Ryan Owen
Mr. James Throttle, Stage Manager & Barkeep – James Mayne
Miss Violet Balfour/Beatrice – Allison Gilbert
Miss Isabel Yearsley/Wendy – Meg Kisch
Miss Florence Gill – Diane Cliff
Miss Gwendolyn Pynn – Noreen Kurowski
Mr. Harry Sayle/Horace – Jeffrey Nelson
Mr. Montague Pruitt/Shade of Jasper – Connor Garcia
Mr. Alan Eliot – Tim Carney
Mr. Christopher Lyon – Jeff Lokken
Reeds, Ken Hebenstreit and Stacy Jamison
Trumpet, Pete Andrick
Trombone, John Robertson
Horn, Virginia Cunnigham
Bass, Kathy Kirchner
Keyboard, Ron Peitrantoni
Percussion, Paul Sikorski
Director, Julie Malloy*
See the show photos by – and courtesy of – Marni Mayne.
*Nominated for a 2013-14 PAGE Award
**Winner of a 2013-14 PAGE Award
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